The I Heart STEAM Teacher Podcast
The I Heart STEAM Teacher Podcast
Pediatrician to STEM Teacher Resource Creator
Dr. Marci Klein is joining the show to share the MOST amazing tiny little STEM tools with us!
After working in child development as a pediatrician for over 20 years, she transitioned into the STEM Education world inspired by none other than her own children!
Cardboard is literally a pain in my side and the best tool in the shop when it comes to STEM building for K-5, but I bet many of us would agree that it isn't the easiest item to cut or connect. I've tried many neat ideas, but 3duxDesign has blown me away with their connectors and teacher resources! Yep, teacher resources.... Did I mention they're FREE? Please tour the 3duxDesign website and take a look under the learn section!
In today's episode, we talk about sustainability and conservation of supplies/resources. If you have listened, as promised, here is the link to Precious Plastics which I could not remember at all!
I always love a good story, and she has one to tell us! Psssst.... There may be some collaborations coming soon... possibly to STEAM University! Get on the waitlist today, but before you go grab the totally FREE Ultimate STEAM Classroom Guide!